Episode 15: The Hindu Priest


Ever wondered about the journey a soul must make after it leaves the body? Well, have you done good deeds?

Dr Lokesh Ramnath Maharaj, current Head of the Priests Council of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha, tells us about the soul’s sometimes perilous journey in this in-depth interview.

How can you help that soul along? Well… there are ways. Very important and necessary ways as it turns out. But a lot depends on karma…

Don’t worry friend - it’s never too late to change your ways. And when you die, as a Hindu, you also gain the chance to climb the karmic ladder, so to speak, with how you behave in the next life.

This episode features a very knowledgeable, extremely kind and highly erudite guest – who provides a thorough explanation of reincarnation and Hindu death rites and rituals from someone who understands their value for both the living and the dead.   


Episode 16: The Cremationist


Episode 14: The Forensic Pathologist