Episode 21: The Human Composting Specialist


Earth to earth, dust to dust, right?

Well finally it’s a reality, in some parts of the world - a gentle, soulful way to put all those expensive proteins of yours to some use after you die.

Do you recycle? Then please meet and be inspired by Brie Smith, from Return Home in Seattle, USA. Trained as a mortician years ago, Brie is now part of an incredible team providing Terramation™, a process developed to enhance natural decomposition and help get you right back into Mother Earth, where you belong. No added chemicals, no fancy caskets. Just as nature intended.

Brie is one of those beautiful people doing exactly what she should be doing in life. Her story itself is a journey, a growing understanding and a move away from standard funeral practices to something much more nourishing, in every sense of the word. She’s professional, perceptive, compassionate and intensely respectful to all.

Enjoy the show!


Episode 22: The Right to Die Activist


Episode 20: The Mystic Rabbi