Episode 7: The Tombstone Maker


Ivor Gardiner is a Bob Dylan fan, which is enough for me.

Only when I was driving to his factory, Gardiner Stone, did I realise I should have been listening to Bob’s ‘Tombstone Blues.’ Heck, I didn’t even ask him if he knew it when we chatted. So many things to ask, really, that never see the light of day.

The song we discussed was the lesser known ‘Dignity.’ Listening to Ivor speak about the work he does, you’ll know why this song means something to him. He’s a gentle man, who has suffered many losses, and manages to muster a laugh about life.

He welcomed me, a complete stranger, into his home. Before we started speaking, I had never clapped eyes on him before. This is the magic of speaking about death - there’s no bullshit. We get straight to the point, which usually, is life.

Hope you enjoy the show!


Episode 8: The Sangoma


Episode 6: The Funeral Consultant